Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Great Eastern Women's Run 2014

This should have been a year-end post. A post to reflect on all that I have been through in 2014.

2014 was definitely a milestone for me.

- Participated in my first overseas cycling event
- Progressed from Mini to Sprint distance in Triathlon
- Participated in 10 sports events, out of which 4 from TRI-Factor series were racing slots I won from a contest.

1) OCBC Cycle Malaysia 2014: 30 January 2014
2) Aquathlon: 16 February 2014
3) MetaSprint Duathlon: 16 March 2014
4) OCBC Cycle Singapore 2014: 30 March 2014
5) MetaSprint Triathlon: 13 April 2014
6) TYR TRI-Factor Swim : 11 May 2014
7) TRI-Factor Bike : 8 June 2014
8) TRI-Factor Run : 3 August 2014
9) ZOOT TRI-Factor Tri : 7 September 2014
10) Ride for Rainbow: 3-4 October 2014

But the greatest achievement had to be the No.11 and last event for the year... Great Eastern Women's Run 2014!

I have always wanted to participate in a women's run but Shape run clashed with my schedule. When GEWR came along, I got excited. But the next question was to decide whether to run 10km or 21.1km half-marathon....

Well, to begin with, I shunned running during my basketball training days. Coach would get the team to run round Pandan Reservior, which is 6.3km. I would always cook up excuses like not well, stitches, or I would volunteer to walk with the last person :p

To cut the long story short, I signed up for 21.1km :)

Prior to that, I ran 10.5km in TRI-Factor Run. I did a 21.1km training run with my training buddies. I did frequent short distance runs like, 3km, 5km and 7km... The week leading towards the GEWR, I had my usual trainings and I was doing 100 storeys of stairs from Monday to Sunday! Yes!! The morning of the GEWR, I woke up at 3 a.m. to walk up and down my block. Purpose? To kill the legs before I run...

Anyway, the run was great! The early rain made the weather cooling. The hydration points were adequate. There were water, isotonic drink, gel and tiger balm rub given at 17km mark...

And most of all, it's WOMEN's run :)

Post race was totally awesome. Massage, hotdogs, Nando chicken, apples, banana, 100 plus, ice-cream, muffins.... all FREE!!

I totally love the Finisher Tee :) What's sweeter? It's ADIDAS :)

What surprised me even more was... I ran throughout the whole 21.1km :) 2h35min for my first half-marathon. I am HAPPY. Definitely a milestone for me. At 20km, I was still smiling :)

2014 was great! 2015; I will be embarking on a new journey :)